M F R C o n s u l t a n t s


Public safety agencies face the harsh reality of declining budgets, increased mission requirements, increasing expectations of security. In order to respond to these changes while achieving high performance means constant transformation of public safety organizations.
Since MFR’s founding in 1989, the firm has been involved in providing innovative solutions to our clients within this industry. Characterized by new regulations and technological advances, it is a complex industry and one that often requires and seeks swift solutions. Combining business industry insights and technological expertise, we deliver strategic solutions to help our clients prevent threats and improve enforcement through enabling cost reduction strategies and enhancing technology infrastructure.
From providing project management expertise and disaster preparedness testing to assisting in the development of software and providing extensive functional, integration, performance, security, and user acceptance testing in connection with one of the first municipal Real Time Crime Centers, the breadth and depth of MFR’s capabilities in this industry are robust.

Areas We Serve

We help police and fire departments streamline operations and manage fiscal budgets to maximize impact on communities. 

We help records departments manage computerized criminal history data to enhance efficiency.

MFR Consultants has past performance with multiple agencies under the Department of Homeland Security.

Unique Software Offerings

VectorPro is an AI-backed software service designed to help law enforcement entities allocate resources to the most pressing crimes in a community.

SaferStops is an acoustic gunshot recognition technology with a unique mission: protecting police officers during traffic stops.